Learn Guitar in a completely new way with a never before seen concept.
For most people, learning Guitar these days can be a mass of information they have gathered with no structure, plan or direction, resulting in a "hamster wheel" effect of going round and round with little to no progress.
They have no clear path through to their ultimate destination - to play their favourite music.
This FREE 5 Day Guitar Challenge is different, as I will be:
> Showing YOU how one step simply leads into another - the big "connection" both in your thinking, mindset and on the fretboard.
> How to simply "block out" distractions and get on with the job of learning to play your favourite music and solo in the quickest time.
> Showing you, tried, tested and proven methods that are not used by other tutors (due to my own individual teaching methods and experience having taught 20+ years and playing 37 years)
The process is straight forward - we are all unique, we all learn in our own individual way, and this is a unique way of learning (and thinking).
Enter your info below to join the 5-day challenge now and get our proven Step-By-Step method that is helping our guitar students learn the essential skills and build a musical foundation to help them quickly play their favourite music easily AND learn to solo on guitar in 90 days!
Fulfil your dream of finally being able to play Guitar the way you have always wanted to, in the quickest time and be able to solo like a pro in 90 days!
Many people have always had that dream of buying a Guitar, picking it up and being able to play anything they want from Blues, to Country to even being able to easily create awesome solos!.
While you do need to put the work in - its true BUT there are much easier ways of learning that what you may have come across.
Because if this was easy, everyone would be doing it, right?
But, learning Guitar is not rocket science, there is absolutely no reason you should be stuck for months or even years not being able to play guitar.
If you have the WHY, then we can show you the HOW.
There are 3 components required to be able to play your favourite songs, including Blues , Country, Rock and even soloing in 90 days
They are:
1. Learning a Solid Musical Foundation (everything stems from this)
2. Quickly learning the skills necessary to play any kind of music
3. Turning those skills into playing and strumming songs, fingerstyle and soloing on the fretboard with ease.
And if you get these 3 pieces right...
The way you have always wanted to play, will quickly become a reality and complete freedom on the fretboard will be yours!
So that's what this 5-day challenge is all about.
During this adventure, I'll personally mentor, support, and give you the principles and systems I use to take my students from "guitar wasteland" to playing their favourite songs, riffs, melodies, finger style, and even soloing.
No more messing about with bits of this and that, having no structure, no plan and no practice routine.
I have been teaching full time since 2006 having taught 1000s of beginners and improvers a simple, straightforward method helping them gain distinctions in exams, playing in bands and open mic nights, and most importantly being able to pick the guitar up and play whatever they want - when they want.
Over the course of 5 days, I'm going to give you the exact proven frameworks that we use in our lessons and that our students are implementing in their practice routines everyday to play Blues, Rock, Country, Funk, Heavy Metal and more, every single day!
Register now and get access immediately.
James Ledley
My journey began in 1987 when I was 15 years old.
I loved music and actually played drums, but then Guitar became more and more of an obsession. I was playing 2/3 hours per day every day.
I was at school then and there were not a lot of options for musicians, so I took the usual route and studied business studies and eventually had a few office jobs.
One of those I worked at for 15 years until 2006.
I knew this was not really what I wanted to do.
I had a realisation that I had to start "giving back" to the world.
I started to think about teaching Guitar and helping others who were finding it difficult to learn.
In 2003, I started to teach a few lessons at home in the evenings, but I knew I needed to learn more if I was to truly make am impact and become a really great teacher and a better musician.
I studied for my guitar grades with RGT and worked my way right up to Grade 8 and even gained a Performance Diploma on Electric Guitar.
To say this was a lot of work was an understatement, I studied hard every day going over theory, advanced chords, rhythm, timing, scales, soloing and more.
I failed it the first time - due to a family bereavement that hit me really hard when my uncle died.
I decided I wasnt giving up and re applied for it again - only working twice as hard to get there. this time.
Having seen for myself how a structured method is the best way to learn, I then turned my skills and experience into building The Get Playing Guitar Accelerator Method.
I have now taught this method to over 1000 students and took them from guitar "misery" to guitar "fun" showing them how learning guitar is so straight forward when you have the right plan in place.
You, too, can learn this step by step method to realise your dream of playing the music you've always dreamt of playing!
By building a solid musical foundation, you will learn how music "works" and how this is the key to unlocking everything else that comes later.
Having covered the beginner essentials, you will now learn the "secrets" the pros use, and see how this enables them to be able to play the way they do.
Having completed Steps 1 and 2 you will have equipped yourself with the skills to make that "dream" of playing guitar a reality, and play ANYmusic you wish and be able to easily solo on Guitar!
This is what our current students say about
Mark has only been in the Program for 5 weeks and already he has made massive progress in his playing.
Una's now been in the program a few months ago and has made excellent progress.
Mickey's been in the Program from the start over 2 years ago and you can hear for yourself how much it has helped his playing.
Mickey's now playing the songs he's always wanted to play, has his rhythm tighter and is also playing at open mics now.
Ronnie joined the program back in November 2023 and his goal is to be able to accompany his daughter at violin recitals when he gets his rhythm sorted.
Alan joined the program last year as well, and he had played in the past "way back in the 70's" but he stopped and started again and wanted some structure and to sort some of the issues including hitting the right strings on certain chords, plectrum accurracy among others - he now goes to a local jam with other musicians every Monday night and feels much more confident and loves to jam with his son who also plays Guitar.